關詩珮 (Ph.D. Candidate, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London):現代性與記憶:「五四」對林紓文學翻譯的追思與遺忘
「翻譯:東亞與西方」國際青年學術研討會 (祝青)
Gloria Kwok-kan Lee (Research Student翻譯社 Centre for Intercultural Studies, University College London) :Specialists, Translators—The Translation Projects of the China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture
唐欣玉(復旦大學中文系博士生):然筆墨生活生計,倘有合理價值,自無自外之理—陳壽彭、汪康年就翻譯China Sea Directory的論爭
Michel Baskett (Associate Professor, Dept. of Theatre and Film翻譯社 University of Kansas):Translating Japan’s Imperialization Policies into “Pan-Asian” Film Culture
Barak Kushner (Lecturer, Dept. of East Asian Studies翻譯社 University of Cambridge):The Colonization of Cuisine and the Translation of Empire
James St. André (The University of Manchester) :Historicizing Translation Theory in the Late Qing and Early Republican Period
Valerie Levan (Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Comparative Literature, The University of Chicago) :Incorporating the Foreign: Translation in Yu Dafu’s Sinking
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